
Fast sparse linear algebra is an essential part of the scientific computing toolkit. Outside of the usual applications, like differential equations, sparse linear algebra provides an elegant way to express graph algorithms on adjacency and incidence matrices. The GraphBLAS standard specifies a set of operations for computing sparse matrix graph algorithm in a vein similar to the BLAS or LAPACK standards.

SuiteSparseGraphBLAS.jl is a blazing fast package for shared memory sparse matrix operations which wraps Tim Davis' SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS. If you use this package in your research please see Citing.


Install using the Julia package manager in the REPL:

] add SuiteSparseGraphBLAS

or with Pkg

using Pkg

The SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS binary, SSGraphBLAS_jll.jl, is installed automatically.

Then in the REPL or script using SuiteSparseGraphBLAS will make the package available for use.


GraphBLAS harnesses the well-understood duality between graphs and matrices. Specifically a graph can be represented by the adjacency matrix and/or incidence matrix, or one of the many variations on those formats. With this matrix representation in hand we have a method to operate on the graph with linear algebra.

One important algorithm that maps well to linear algebra is Breadth First Search (BFS). A simple BFS is just a matrix-vector multiplication, where A is the adjacency matrix and v is the set of source nodes, as illustrated below.

BFS and Adjacency Matrix


The core SuiteSparseGraphBLAS.jl array types are GBVector and GBMatrix which are subtypes SparseArrays.AbstractSparseVector and SparseArrays.AbstractSparseMatrix respectively.


These docs will often refer to the GBArray type, which is the union of AbstractGBVector, AbstractGBMatrix and their lazy Transpose objects.

julia> # create a size 13 empty sparse vector with Float64 elements.
       v = GBVector{Float64}(13)13x1 GraphBLAS double matrix, sparse by col
  no entries, memory: 272 bytes
julia> # create a 1000 x 1000 empty sparse matrix with ComplexF64 elements. A = GBMatrix{ComplexF64}(1000, 1000)1000x1000 GraphBLAS double complex matrix, hypersparse by row no entries, memory: 280 bytes
julia> # Non-stored values are equal to the fill value of A, # which is by default zero(eltype(A)) A[1,5] == getfill(A)true

Here we can already see several differences compared to SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC.

The first is that A is stored in hypersparse format, and by row.

GBArrays are (technically) opaque to the user in order to allow the library author to choose the best storage format.
SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS takes advantage of this by storing matrices in one of four formats: dense, bitmap, sparse-compressed, or hypersparse-compressed; and in either row or column major orientation.
Different matrices may be better suited to storage in one of those formats, and certain operations may perform differently on row or column major matrices.

Default Orientation

The default orientation of a GBMatrix is by-row, the opposite of Julia arrays. However, a GBMatrix constructed from a SparseMatrixCSC or Matrix will be stored by-column.
The orientation of a GBMatrix can be modified using setstorageorder!(A, RowMajor()) or setstorageorder!(A, ColMajor()), and queried by StorageOrders.storageorder(A)

Information about storage formats, orientation, conversion, construction and more can be found in Array-Types.

As noted in the example above, A has a fill-value, which defaults to zero(eltype(A)). For normal linear algebra this is a good choice for fill-value, however GraphBLAS is intended for graphs. To handle this SuiteSparseGraphBLAS.jl support missing for the fill value (this is an active area of development, and a new fill value that acts like the identity for most operations is better suited to this task).

julia> A[1, 1] == zero(eltype(A))true
julia> B = setfill(A, missing) # no-copy alias1000x1000 GraphBLAS double complex matrix, hypersparse by row no entries, memory: 280 bytes
julia> B[1, 1]missing

An empty matrix and vector won't do us much good, so let's see how to construct the matrix and vector from the graphic above. Both A and v below are constructed from coordinate format or COO.

julia> A = GBMatrix([1,1,2,2,3,4,4,5,6,7,7,7], [2,4,5,7,6,1,3,6,3,3,4,5], [1:12...])7x7 GraphBLAS int64_t matrix, bitmap by row
  12 entries, memory: 832 bytes

    (1,2)   1
    (1,4)   2
    (2,5)   3
    (2,7)   4
    (3,6)   5
    (4,1)   6
    (4,3)   7
    (5,6)   8
    (6,3)   9
    (7,3)   10
    (7,4)   11
    (7,5)   12
julia> v = GBVector([4], [10], 7)7x1 GraphBLAS int64_t matrix, bitmap by col 1 entry, memory: 272 bytes iso value: 10 (4,1) 10

GraphBLAS Operations

The complete documentation of supported operations can be found in Operations. GraphBLAS operations are, where possible, methods of existing Julia functions listed in the third column.

mxm, mxv, vxm$\bf C \langle M \rangle = C \odot AB$mul! or *
eWiseMult$\bf C \langle M \rangle = C \odot (A \otimes B)$emul[!] or . broadcasting
eWiseAdd$\bf C \langle M \rangle = C \odot (A \oplus B)$eadd[!]
eWiseUnion$\bf C \langle M \rangle = C \odot ([ A \vert \alpha ] \oplus [ B \vert \beta ])$eunion[!]
extract$\bf C \langle M \rangle = C \odot A(I,J)$extract[!], getindex
subassign$\bf C (I,J) \langle M \rangle = C(I,J) \odot A$subassign[!] or setindex!
assign$\bf C \langle M \rangle (I,J) = C(I,J) \odot A$assign[!]
apply${\bf C \langle M \rangle = C \odot} f{\bf (A)}$apply[!], map[!] or . broadcasting
${\bf C \langle M \rangle = C \odot} f({\bf A},y)$
${\bf C \langle M \rangle = C \odot} f(x,{\bf A})$
${\bf C \langle M \rangle = C \odot} f({\bf A}_{ij}, i, j, x)$
select${\bf C \langle M \rangle = C \odot} f({\bf A}_{ij},i, j, x)$select[!]
reduce${\bf w \langle m \rangle = w \odot} [{\oplus}_j {\bf A}(:,j)]$reduce[!]
$s = s \odot [{\oplus}_{ij} {\bf A}(i,j)]$
transpose$\bf C \langle M \rangle = C \odot A^{\sf T}$gbtranspose[!], lazy: transpose, '
kronecker$\bf C \langle M \rangle = C \odot \text{kron}(A, B)$kron[!]

where $\bf M$ is a GBArray mask, $\odot$ is a binary operator for accumulating into $\bf C$, and $\otimes$ and $\oplus$ are a binary operation and commutative monoid respectively. $f$ is either a unary or binary operator.

GraphBLAS Operators

Many GraphBLAS operations take additional arguments called operators. In the table above operators are denoted by $\odot$, $\otimes$, and $\oplus$ and $f$, and they behave similar to the function argument of map. A closer look at operators can be found in Operators

A GraphBLAS operator is a unary or binary function, the commutative monoid form of a binary function, or a semiring, made up of a binary op and a commutative monoid. SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS ships with many of the common unary and binary operators as built-ins, along with monoids and semirings built commonly used in graph algorithms. These built-in operators are fast, and should be used where possible. However, users are also free to provide their own functions as operators when necessary.

SuiteSparseGraphBLAS.jl will take care of operators behind the scenes, and in most cases users should pass in normal functions like + and sin. For example:

julia> emul(A, A, ^) # elementwise exponent7x7 GraphBLAS int64_t matrix, bitmap by row
  12 entries, memory: 832 bytes

    (1,2)   1
    (1,4)   4
    (2,5)   27
    (2,7)   256
    (3,6)   3125
    (4,1)   46656
    (4,3)   823543
    (5,6)   16777216
    (6,3)   387420489
    (7,3)   10000000000
    (7,4)   285311670611
    (7,5)   8916100448256
julia> map(sin, A)7x7 GraphBLAS double matrix, bitmap by row 12 entries, memory: 832 bytes (1,2) 0.841471 (1,4) 0.909297 (2,5) 0.14112 (2,7) -0.756802 (3,6) -0.958924 (4,1) -0.279415 (4,3) 0.656987 (5,6) 0.989358 (6,3) 0.412118 (7,3) -0.544021 (7,4) -0.99999 (7,5) -0.536573

Broadcasting functionality is also supported, A .^ A will lower to emul(A, A, ^), and sin.(A) will lower to apply(sin, A).

Matrix multiplication, which accepts a semiring, can be called with either *(max, +)(A, B), *(A, B, (max, +)), or LinearAlgebra.mul!(C, A, B, (max, +)).

We can also use functions that are not already built into SuiteSparseGraphBLAS.jl:

julia> M = GBMatrix([[1,2] [3,4]])2x2 GraphBLAS int64_t matrix, full by col
  4 entries, memory: 288 bytes

    (1,1)   1
    (2,1)   2
    (1,2)   3
    (2,2)   4
julia> increment(x) = x + 1increment (generic function with 1 method)
julia> map(increment, M)2x2 GraphBLAS int64_t matrix, full by col 4 entries, memory: 288 bytes (1,1) 2 (2,1) 3 (1,2) 4 (2,2) 5

Unfortunately this has a couple problems. The first is that it's slow.
Compared to A .+ 1 which lowers to apply(+, A, 1) the map call above is ~2.5x slower due to function pointer overhead.

Performance of User Defined Functions

Operators which are not already built-in are automatically constructed using function pointers when called. Their performance is significantly degraded compared to built-in operators, and where possible user code should avoid this capability and instead compose built-in operators. See Operators.


Here is a quick example of two different methods of triangle counting with GraphBLAS. The methods are drawn from the LAGraph repo.

Input A must be a square, symmetric matrix with any element type. We'll test it using the matrix from the GBArray section above, which has two triangles in its undirected form.

julia> using SuiteSparseGraphBLAS: pair
julia> function cohen(A) U = select(triu, A) L = select(tril, A) return reduce(+, *(L, U, (+, pair); mask=A)) ÷ 2 endcohen (generic function with 1 method)
julia> function sandia(A) L = select(tril, A) return reduce(+, *(L, L, (+, pair); mask=L)) endsandia (generic function with 1 method)
julia> M = eadd(A, A', +) #Make undirected/symmetric7x7 GraphBLAS int64_t matrix, bitmap by row 20 entries, memory: 832 bytes (1,2) 1 (1,4) 8 (2,1) 1 (2,5) 3 (2,7) 4 (3,4) 7 (3,6) 14 (3,7) 10 (4,1) 8 (4,3) 7 (4,7) 11 (5,2) 3 (5,6) 8 (5,7) 12 (6,3) 14 (6,5) 8 (7,2) 4 (7,3) 10 (7,4) 11 (7,5) 12
julia> cohen(M)2
julia> sandia(M)2


Please cite the following papers if you use SuiteSparseGraphBLAS.jl in your work:


    author = {Davis, Timothy A.},
    title = {Algorithm 1000: SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS: Graph Algorithms in the Language of Sparse Linear Algebra},
    year = {2019},
    issue_date = {December 2019},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    volume = {45},
    number = {4},
    issn = {0098-3500},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1145/3322125},
    journal = {ACM Trans. Math. Softw.},
    month = {dec},
    articleno = {44},
    numpages = {25},
    keywords = {GraphBLAS, Graph algorithms, sparse matrices}


    author = {Davis, Timothy A.},
    title = {Algorithm 10xx: SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS: Graph Algorithms in the Language of Sparse Linear Algebra},
    year = {2022},
    journal = {ACM Trans. Math. Softw.},
    month = {(under revision)},
    note={See GraphBLAS/Doc/toms_parallel_grb2.pdf},
    keywords = {GraphBLAS, Graph algorithms, sparse matrices}


author={Pelletier, Michel and Kimmerer, Will and Davis, Timothy A. and Mattson, Timothy G.},
booktitle={2021 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC)},
title={The GraphBLAS in Julia and Python: the PageRank and Triangle Centralities},