Array Types

There are two primary array types in SuiteSparseGraphBLAS.jl: GBVector and GBMatrix, as well as a few specialized versions of those array types. The full type hierarchy is:

AbstractGBArray{T, F, O, N} <: AbstractSparseArray{Union{T, F}, N}
 ├ N = 2 ─ AbstractGBMatrix{T, F} 
 │   ├─ GBMatrix{T, F, RuntimeOrder()}
 │   ├─ OrientedGBMatrix{T, F, O}
 │   └─ GBShallowMatrix{T, F, ColMajor()}
 └ N = 1, O = ColMajor() ─ AbstractGBVector{T, F}
     ├─ GBVector{T, F}
     └─ GBShallowVector{T, F}

The T parameter is the element type of the array, N is the dimensionality, F is the type of the fill value (often Nothing or T), and O is the storage order. The OrientedGBMatrix restricts the orientation to the parameter O to either ByRow() or ByCol().

All of these types attempt to implement most of the AbstractArray interface, and the relevant parts of the SparseArrays interface.


The GBMatrix is an opaque sparse matrix structure, which adapts to the sparsity of a matrix by changing the implementation internally. There are 4 different internal representations, all stored in either row or column orientation:

  1. Dense - Equivalent to a Julia Matrix, except it may be stored in RowMajor() order.
  2. Bitmap - 2 dense arrays, one storing booleans in the pattern of the matrix, the other storing the values.
  3. Sparse Compressed - Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) or Compressed Sparse Row(CSR)
  4. Doubly Compressed or Hypersparse - Doubly Compressed Sparse Column (DCSC or Hypersparse CSC) and Doubly Compressed Sparse Row (DCSR or Hypersparse CSR). See this paper for more information: pdf.

Additionally, when the stored values in a GBMatrix are uniform the value array may be stored in the iso version of one of the formats above. Rather than storing the full value array, an iso GBMatrix will only store the single scalar to improve performance. This is useful for matrices like the unweighted adjacency matrix, where all stored values may be true.

Users should rarely need to directly interact with the underlying storage format, SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS will automatically convert between them as necessary.


There are several methods to construct GBArrays. Shown here are empty construction, conversion from a dense matrix and a sparse matrix, and coordinate form with uniform or iso coefficients.

julia> x = GBMatrix{Bool}(20_000_000, 50_000)20000000x50000 GraphBLAS bool matrix, hypersparse by row
  no entries, memory: 280 bytes
julia> x = GBMatrix([[1,2] [3,4]])2x2 GraphBLAS int64_t matrix, full by col 4 entries, memory: 288 bytes (1,1) 1 (2,1) 2 (1,2) 3 (2,2) 4
julia> x = GBMatrix(sprand(100, 100, 0.5); fill = 0.0)100x100 GraphBLAS double matrix, bitmap by col 4987 entries, memory: 144.2 KB (4,1) 0.669243 (6,1) 0.0936264 (7,1) 0.204751 (10,1) 0.447725 (13,1) 0.13092 (14,1) 0.171222 (20,1) 0.930083 (27,1) 0.489157 (28,1) 0.723598 (31,1) 0.600479 (33,1) 0.273269 (34,1) 0.60066 (36,1) 0.586726 (47,1) 0.931599 (48,1) 0.762955 (49,1) 0.552974 (51,1) 0.3753 (52,1) 0.00960547 (53,1) 0.874901 (54,1) 0.147852 (55,1) 0.425151 (56,1) 0.444583 (58,1) 0.7618 (59,1) 0.495288 (60,1) 0.323111 (61,1) 0.131412 (62,1) 0.603547 (63,1) 0.539812 (64,1) 0.478653 ...
julia> x = GBMatrix( rand(1:50_000, 5000), rand(1:500_000, 5000), 1, 500_000, 500_000 )500000x500000 GraphBLAS int64_t matrix, hypersparse by row 5000 entries, memory: 192.3 KB iso value: 1 (1,281642) 1 (2,877) 1 (8,25150) 1 (21,462376) 1 (23,64942) 1 (23,242599) 1 (23,289708) 1 (61,179926) 1 (62,41762) 1 (65,274887) 1 (66,446525) 1 (70,485256) 1 (72,426031) 1 (94,479986) 1 (99,402978) 1 (118,184994) 1 (125,343100) 1 (131,474288) 1 (142,306788) 1 (143,257450) 1 (166,359336) 1 (167,189137) 1 (193,494063) 1 (204,96896) 1 (212,424565) 1 (215,6054) 1 (218,230494) 1 (221,47227) 1 (225,10924) 1 ...
GBMatrix{T, F} <: AbstractSparseArray{T, UInt64, 2}

Two-dimensional GraphBLAS array with elements of type T. F is the type of the fill-value, which is typically Missing or T. Internal representation is specified as opaque, but in this implementation is stored as one of the following in either row or column orientation:

1. Dense
2. Bitmap
3. Sparse Compressed
4. Hypersparse

The storage type is automatically determined by the library.


GBMatrix{T, F}(nrows::Integer, ncols::Integer; fill = defaultfill(F))
GBMatrix{T}(nrows::Integer, ncols::Integer; fill = defaultfill(T))
GBMatrix(I::AbstractVector, J::AbstractVector, X::AbstractVector{T}, dims...; fill=defaultfill(T), combine=+)
GBMatrix(I::AbstractVector, J::AbstractVector, x::T, dims...; fill=defaultfill(T), combine=+)
GBMatrix(A::Union{<:AbstractGBArray, <:AbstractMatrix}; fill = defaultfill(eltype(A)))

All constructors, no matter their input, may specify an element type T as well as a fill type F, conversions are handled internally. These parameters will be inferred in most cases.

GBMatrix construction from an existing AbstractArray will maintain the storage order of the original, typically ColMajor().



A GBVector is the one-dimensional equivalent of the GBMatrix, and internally a GBVector is represented in exactly the same fashion. However, they are always column-oriented.


julia> v = GBVector{ComplexF32}(100)100x1 GraphBLAS float complex matrix, sparse by col
  no entries, memory: 272 bytes
julia> v = GBMatrix(rand(ComplexF64, 3); fill = nothing)3x1 GraphBLAS double complex matrix, full by col 3 entries, memory: 304 bytes (1,1) 0.488497 + 0.927164i (2,1) 0.153555 + 0.402019i (3,1) 0.356055 + 0.742159i
julia> v = GBVector(sprand(Bool, 100_000_000, 0.001))100000000x1 GraphBLAS bool matrix, sparse by col 99815 entries, memory: 877.5 KB (203,1) 1 (870,1) 1 (1624,1) 1 (1857,1) 1 (3052,1) 1 (4831,1) 1 (5241,1) 1 (5658,1) 1 (6389,1) 1 (6455,1) 1 (7706,1) 1 (9394,1) 1 (11450,1) 1 (11940,1) 1 (13259,1) 1 (13423,1) 1 (14637,1) 1 (15766,1) 1 (16610,1) 1 (17557,1) 1 (20887,1) 1 (21541,1) 1 (24275,1) 1 (24745,1) 1 (25924,1) 1 (27509,1) 1 (27922,1) 1 (29179,1) 1 (30204,1) 1 ...
GBVector{T, F} <: AbstractSparseArray{T, UInt64, 1}

One-dimensional GraphBLAS array with elements of type T. F is the type of the fill-value, which is typically Missing or T. Internal representation is specified as opaque, but may be either a dense vector, bitmap vector, or compressed sparse vector.

See also: GBMatrix.

Construction Signatures

GBVector{T, F}(n::Integer; fill = defaultfill(F))
GBVector{T}(n::Integer; fill = defaultfill(T))
GBVector(I::AbstractVector, X::AbstractVector{T}, n; fill=defaultfill(T), combine=+)
GBVector(I::AbstractVector, x::T, n; fill=defaultfill(T), combine=+)
GBVector(v::Union{<:AbstractGBVector, <:AbstractVector}; fill = defaultfill(eltype(v)))

All constructors, no matter their input, may specify parameters for element type T as well as a fill type F, conversions are handled internally. These parameters will be inferred in most cases.



The usual AbstractArray and SparseArray indexing capabilities are available. Including indexing by scalars, vectors, and ranges.

Indexing Structural Zeros

When indexing a SparseMatrixCSC from SparseArrays a structural, or implicit, zero will be returned as zero(T) where T is the element type of the matrix.

When indexing a GBArray structural zeros default to nothing. While this is a significant departure from the SparseMatrixCSC it more closely matches the GraphBLAS spec, and enables the consuming method to determine the value of implicit zeros in the presence of explicit zeros.

For instance with an element type of Float64 you may want the implicit zero to be 0.0, -∞ or +∞ depending on your algorithm. In addition, for graph algorithms there may be a distinction between an implicit zero, indicating the lack of an edge between two vertices in an adjacency matrix, and an explicit zero where the edge exists but has a 0 weight.

However, many functions outside of GraphBLAS will throw an error if they receive nothing from an indexing operation. To accomodate these functions the user may set the fill value for an AbstractGBArray on construction and with setfill and setfill!.

julia> A = GBMatrix([1,1,2,2,3,4,4,5,6,7,7,7], [2,4,5,7,6,1,3,6,3,3,4,5], [1:12...])7x7 GraphBLAS int64_t matrix, bitmap by row
  12 entries, memory: 832 bytes

    (1,2)   1
    (1,4)   2
    (2,5)   3
    (2,7)   4
    (3,6)   5
    (4,1)   6
    (4,3)   7
    (5,6)   8
    (6,3)   9
    (7,3)   10
    (7,4)   11
    (7,5)   12
julia> SparseMatrixCSC(A)7×7 SparseMatrixCSC{Int64, Int64} with 12 stored entries: ⋅ 1 ⋅ 2 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 3 ⋅ 4 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 5 ⋅ 6 ⋅ 7 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 8 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 9 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 10 11 12 ⋅ ⋅
julia> A[4]6
julia> A[1,2]1
julia> A[[1,3,5,7], :]4x7 GraphBLAS int64_t matrix, bitmap by row 7 entries, memory: 544 bytes (1,2) 1 (1,4) 2 (2,6) 5 (3,6) 8 (4,3) 10 (4,4) 11 (4,5) 12
julia> A[1:2:7, :]4x7 GraphBLAS int64_t matrix, bitmap by row 7 entries, memory: 544 bytes (1,2) 1 (1,4) 2 (2,6) 5 (3,6) 8 (4,3) 10 (4,4) 11 (4,5) 12
julia> A[:,:]7x7 GraphBLAS int64_t matrix, bitmap by row 12 entries, memory: 832 bytes (1,2) 1 (1,4) 2 (2,5) 3 (2,7) 4 (3,6) 5 (4,1) 6 (4,3) 7 (5,6) 8 (6,3) 9 (7,3) 10 (7,4) 11 (7,5) 12
julia> A[:, 5]7x1 GraphBLAS int64_t matrix, bitmap by col 2 entries, memory: 328 bytes (2,1) 3 (7,1) 12

The functionality illustrated above extends to GBVector as well.


The lazy Julia transpose is available, and the adjoint operator ' is also overloaded to be equivalent for non-Complex types.

Special GBArray Types

OrientedGBMatrix{T, F, O} <: AbstractSparseArray{T, UInt64, 2}

Two-dimensional GraphBLAS array with elements of type T. F is the type of the fill-value, which is typically Missing or T. Exactly the same as GBMatrix, except the memory orientation is static: either StorageOrders.RowMajor() (default) or StorageOrders.ColMajor().

The aliases GBMatrixC and GBMatrixR are the preferred construction methods.


GBMatrix[R | C]{T, F}(nrows::Integer, ncols::Integer; fill = defaultfill(F))
GBMatrix[R | C]{T}(nrows::Integer, ncols::Integer; fill = defaultfill(T))
GBMatrix[R | C](I::AbstractVector, J::AbstractVector, X::AbstractVector{T}, dims...; fill=defaultfill(T), combine=+)
GBMatrix[R | C](I::AbstractVector, J::AbstractVector, x::T, dims...; fill=defaultfill(T), combine=+)
GBMatrix[R | C](A::Union{<:AbstractGBArray, <:AbstractMatrix}; fill = defaultfill(eltype(A)))

All constructors, no matter their input, may specify an element type T as well as a fill type F, conversions are handled internally. These parameters will be inferred in most cases.

OrientedGBMatrix{T, F, O} <: AbstractSparseArray{T, UInt64, 2}

Two-dimensional GraphBLAS array with elements of type T. F is the type of the fill-value, which is typically Missing or T. Exactly the same as GBMatrix, except the memory orientation is static: either StorageOrders.RowMajor() (default) or StorageOrders.ColMajor().

The aliases GBMatrixC and GBMatrixR are the preferred construction methods.


GBMatrix[R | C]{T, F}(nrows::Integer, ncols::Integer; fill = defaultfill(F))
GBMatrix[R | C]{T}(nrows::Integer, ncols::Integer; fill = defaultfill(T))
GBMatrix[R | C](I::AbstractVector, J::AbstractVector, X::AbstractVector{T}, dims...; fill=defaultfill(T), combine=+)
GBMatrix[R | C](I::AbstractVector, J::AbstractVector, x::T, dims...; fill=defaultfill(T), combine=+)
GBMatrix[R | C](A::Union{<:AbstractGBArray, <:AbstractMatrix}; fill = defaultfill(eltype(A)))

All constructors, no matter their input, may specify an element type T as well as a fill type F, conversions are handled internally. These parameters will be inferred in most cases.

GBShallowMatrix{T, F, O, P, B, A} <: AbstractSparseArray{T, UInt64, 2}

Shallow GraphBLAS matrix type wrapping a Julia-resident array. Currently supported only for Matrix

The primary constructor for this type is the pack function, although it may also be constructed directly via GBShallowMatrix(A::Matrix).

GBShallowVector{T, F, P, B, A} <: AbstractSparseArray{T, UInt64, 1}

Shallow GraphBLAS vector type wrapping a Julia-resident vector. Currently supported only for Vector

The primary constructor for this type is the pack function, although it may also be constructed directly via GBShallowVector(A::Vector).
